Movie Review: We Make Movies (2016)

Could you depend on your friends to help you make a movie? In January 2016, Stevphen is going to film his masterpiece. All he needs is a cast and crew...

Directing this 111-minute comedy is Matt Tory.

Some of the cast is: Matt Tory as Stevphen, Jordan Hopewell as Donny, Jonathan Holmes as Garth, Zack Slort as Leonard, Anne Crockett as Jessica

Not a lot of people realize all the hard work that goes into making a movie and thanks to, local independent filmmaker, Stevphen Bixby's new film project we get to watch as history is being made. The film chronicles the ups and downs of movie magic as Bixby works on his film. We see the
struggles of perfecting the script, finding the right cast and capturing it all on film. If everything works out, Bixby's masterpiece will be done and ready to show at his hometown Film Festival.

First off I'm going to give everyone a heads up about this one because I don't think people will give it a fair chance. At first glance, you can tell it's seriously low budget, but that's the whole stick behind the story. It's super corny and full of cheesiness and for me, that's what made it fun to watch. The story that Matt Tory came up with is a fun behind the scenes film about making a movie. Tory fills the film with humor, tons of movie references and a mix of interesting characters.

The playthrough was a bit slow for me, but it never lost my attention. I dug watching all of the behind the scenes things films have to deal with. Like doing special effects with limited funds, cranky cast members, and script rewrites. All of these things are real problems when making a movie, but Troy's fun spin on real-life stressors made for some really good entertainment.

I have to give it to the cast, I thought they did a pretty good job. I thought at first the cast was full of bad actors, but as the movie keeps going you realize how good the cast really is at playing their odd and overblown characters.

Overall, it's a film some people might glance at and pass on watching it, but I think it's worth checking out if you've got the time.

it's rated NR (not rated)

3 stars

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